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AustraliaIpswich police arrested a man and found seven knives on him

Ipswich police arrested a man and found seven knives on him

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A high-profile anti-knife crime operation in Ipswich, located southwest of Brisbane, resulted in the charging of ten individuals.

At the Ipswich train station, a local shopping center, and nightlife areas, police scanned 71 individuals.

A man, aged 20, was searched during an arrest and confessed to having a roll of blades in his suitcase; the search was filmed on police body cameras.

“I do have a roll of knives that are in there rolled up,” he pointed out.

According to the man, he used to be a chef and the knives were for that.

The seven knives found, according to the police, did not correspond to that description.

While conducting their search, the police allegedly also found drug utensils.

The crime of public knife possession was brought against him.

On October 30, the 20-year-old will appear before the Magistrates of Ipswich.

Police officers in Queensland are authorized to employ metal detectors to scan individuals for weapons in specific public venues, such as train stations, with the introduction of Jack’s Law in 2023.

According to the Ipswich police, 57 firearms have been confiscated since April of the previous year.





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