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AustraliaDuring the alleged carjacking, the man was terrified that his own ute...

During the alleged carjacking, the man was terrified that his own ute would run him over

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A father-of-two in Adelaide’s north-west was reportedly a victim of carjacking and had terrifying thoughts that his own ute was going to run him over.

The man, who preferred to remain nameless, swerved about 11.45 p.m. on Woodville Road in Woodville to avoid two women who were sitting on the road.

One of the women threw a bottle at his windshield, so he pulled over to make sure they were safe, he added.

He claimed that one of the women punched and kicked him the second he stepped out of his car, and then another male came charging over.

“The next thing I know I’m knocked about three metres up the road by a large fellow who was running up Woodville Road,” said the man.

The two ladies snatched the driver’s Toyota Hilux as soon as he was down and ran.

They made a U-turn, and the guy who had pushed him down allegedly shouted a warning, as the man recounts it.

“He started shouting at me saying ‘get up off the road, get off the road’,” according to him.

“The car is heading at me, about to run me over.”

The man and the two women leaped inside the ute.

No life-threatening injuries were sustained by the 51-year-old guy, who was sent to the hospital.

A further search at Alma Terrace, Woodville West, turned up his abandoned ute.

The three individuals are the focus of detectives’ investigations into the incident.





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