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AustraliaAlleged rampage in Perth leads man to court

Alleged rampage in Perth leads man to court

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A man was taken into custody following a violent incident that occurred last night in the suburbs of Perth.

The suspect was allegedly equipped with two knives.

The man in the armed man was spotted on Cambridge Street at approximately 6:15 p.m. Revis Comeagain allegedly attacked Lachlan Kipling, a resident of Perth, and two others over the course of two hours.

“He came towards me with knives in his hands and then asked me for the keys,” said Kipling. “I was like, ‘no, not happening.'”

I believe I shut down a bit and just said no.

“At some point during that he nicked my hand with one of the knives.” Allegedly stolen knives were spotted on Comeagain’s person as he left Coles.

As the 39-year-old apparently assaulted automobiles with bricks, he stopped traffic, and spectators at the adjacent Snap Fitness watched in shock.

He allegedly proceeded to Kimberly Street, where he brandished a knife and a wooden beam in an apparent attempt to intimidate two neighbors.

According to Annette Hasluck, there were numerous police officers there and the entire street was blocked off.

On Woolwich Street, Comeagain was discovered concealed in a carport.

A negotiator was sent in and cops flocked to the scene in an effort to calm the man down. More over two hours passed during his purported rampage.

Remanded in detention, Comeagain’s next court appearance is scheduled for October 9.

He is facing multiple offenses.

“I simply want to go home,” he said the court during his hearing today.

Because the magistrate found the charges against him to be too serious, he was not granted bail.





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