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AustraliaMan convicted in Perth of sexually assaulting a youngster, aged seven, while...

Man convicted in Perth of sexually assaulting a youngster, aged seven, while she was sleeping

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Shockwaves rippled across Perth as a 28-year-old man was convicted of a sex attack on a sleeping girl.

With today’s rejection of his claim of mental impairment, Callum Ferris Davies was unable to evade responsibility for the assault at Ellenbrook.

The man from Oakfield was seen on camera scaling a garden fence, which would give any parent the willies.

The autistic 25-year-old broke into the home of a stranger and crept into the bedroom of a sleeping seven-year-old girl shortly after midnight on December 27, 2021.

The victim informed the authorities that she was “choked unconscious” after waking up to the sensation of having her mouth “sticky-taped shut” and given orders to remain silent.

The victim, who must remain anonymous due to legal constraints, woke up wearing an entirely different pajama top than the one she slept in, and the fugitive predator turned himself in to authorities a few days later.

Davies confessed to the heinous crime, but he insisted he was psychotic and couldn’t resist carrying it out.

There was insufficient evidence to persuade the judge. He will now spend his sentence behind bars instead of in a mental institution, according to the guilty verdict.

The exact duration will be determined during his January sentencing hearing.





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