24.6 C

AustraliaStrong winds cause runway closures at Sydney Airport, causing travel delays

Strong winds cause runway closures at Sydney Airport, causing travel delays

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Due to the persistent severe winds that are affecting the city this morning, travellers at Sydney Airport are being advised to anticipate additional delays.

Parts of Victoria and New South Wales are experiencing blizzard conditions due to severe winds over 100 km/h, precipitation, and a cold front passing through the southeast of Australia.

Sydney Airport is still only using one runway because 50 km/h gusts of wind are predicted.

Nine more planes that were scheduled to arrive in Sydney were cancelled, bringing the total number of cancelled flights from Virgin, Jetstar, and Qantas this morning to at least six.

According to a Sydney Airport spokesman, there may be delays all day due to the severe weather and the fallout from Friday’s IT disruption.

“Airservices Australia will continue to use our east-west runway due to strong winds, which could result in some delays during the day. This will continue till the afternoon,” the representative stated.

Although IT systems are operational and online, individual airlines may still have problems, according to the representative.

“Anyone travelling today should check with their airline regarding the status of their flight, and arrive with plenty of time ahead of their flights,” they said.

More than a thousand calls were handled by State Emergency Services (SES) during the course of the night.

Of those, 522 calls in the Sydney metropolitan area were for downed powerlines and fallen trees.

Destructive winds, with early-morning wind gusts of up to 60 km/h recorded, pulled down scaffolding on the Northern Beaches.

Over the weekend, Thredbo and New South Wales ski resorts were covered with the first significant snowfall of the season.

Thredbo Ski Resort had at least 32 centimetres of snowfall between last night and yesterday, with an additional 20 centimetres deposited there.

In the past 48 hours, Hotham in Victoria received at least 45 centimetres of rain, while Mount Baw Baw received a total of 28 centimetres.

The agency issued a severe wind warning for Perth and the southeast of the country as it got closer to sea level.

Conditions are likely to improve this afternoon after Friday’s severe gusts that caused a tree to fall on a light rail carriage in Sydney.

Victoria is expected to be cool today with a high probability of showers, with a high temperature of 16 degrees.

It appears like tomorrow will be another day of rain and wind, with gusts reaching up to 25 km/h for the Garden State.

Following a beautiful day yesterday throughout Queensland, the east coast is expected to have sporadic showers for the remainder of the weekend.

There will likely be rain in Perth for a few more days, along with chilly temperatures and westerly winds for the majority of the next several days.

For the remainder of the day, Hobart will again see rain and a low of only 14.

According to Weatherzone, Adelaide will continue to receive showers and strong gusts today following at least ten days of rain.





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