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AustraliaAt Sydney unit, a young woman is accused of being fatally stabbed...

At Sydney unit, a young woman is accused of being fatally stabbed by her partner

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The woman who was allegedly fatally stabbed in a Western Sydney home was recalled as lovely and kind by her distraught sister.

Police were called to the Great Western Highway in Kingswood at approximately 1.40 pm yesterday.

When they arrived, they discovered 21-year-old Nunia Kurualeba dead from two stab wounds to her chest.

Her accomplice, 21-year-old Remaia Tuwai, is said to have run away from the site, starting a six-hour manhunt before being located and taken into custody a few hours later in Penrith, the next town over.

Tuwai was accused of killing someone using domestic abuse. Kurualeba, a housekeeper, relocated to Sydney from Fiji in order to be nearer to her younger sister.

Her sister Laite Kurualeba said of her, “She was a loving sister to me, she always cared about me, and every time I needed her, she was here.”

“I have a four-month-old baby that she always cared about.” Kurualeba had the most happiness while she was playing netball or spending time with her loved ones. Laite Kurualeba remarked, “She had a lot of friends and loved everyone.”

“She’s funny, she makes noise, every time she comes home I tell her to keep her voice level down, she doesn’t listen.”

Kurualeba, who had dated Tuwai, a Fijian man, for a year prior to moving in together at the Kingswood flat, believed she had finally found love.

Tuwai is said to have stabbed her there with a kitchen knife. Laite Kurualeba declared, “She didn’t deserve what happened to her.” 

Today, Tuwai appeared via videolink at Penrith Court and was formally denied bail.

His attorney asked that he be treated for mental health issues while incarcerated.





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