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AustraliaA court heard that following a house invasion, a man "lost control"...

A court heard that following a house invasion, a man “lost control” and fatally stabbed a rapper

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A jury has been told that a man “lost control” before fatally stabbing rapper Mak Muon.

The guy had been the victim of home invasion theft and had two Gucci bags, an iPhone, cash, and other items held to his head.

Just a few hours before his death was discovered on September 24, 2020, around 8 a.m., near an Emu Plains reserve, Muon had broken into a granny flat in western Sydney.

When the 22-year-old and his two accomplices broke into the house, they were armed with knives and a revolver and were looking for the resident’s motorcycles and cash.

With the help of three pals, the armed resident went after the rapper and was later accused of killing Muon.

Today, the three co-accused appeared before Judge Dina Yehiya in the NSW Supreme Court beside him.

They all refuted the allegations made regarding Muon’s demise.

The resident entered a guilty plea to the lesser charge of manslaughter and pleaded not guilty to the murder allegation, even though he did not deny stabbing the rapper and killing him.

Attorney Tony Evers informed the jury that his client acted out of passion rather than with the intention of killing anyone.

Because the man was in front of those who had attacked him “just hours before,” Evers claimed that he was carrying a knife when he confronted him. “He simply lost control of his emotions, given what had happened to him,” according to him.

After Muon had held one man at gunpoint in his house and yelled at him to pay them money, two more men joined him.

Evers stated that in addition to the resident, Muon had also aimed the gun at his mother, who had “bravely” confronted the guys as they were walking her son out of the granny flat.

After calling for assistance, the man’s girlfriend was startled awake by a loud noise and was restrained to a bed by one of Muon’s armed accomplices.

Afterwards, she was able to determine that the loud noise was caused by the security door of the senior apartment collapsing.

Following a phone call from the girlfriend alerting them to potential intruders, other occupants of the property’s main house emerged.

The woman described seeing Muon place a gun to her partner’s head, but she refrained from crying.

She said to the jury, “I was scared and I was whispering.” “I said ‘you need to come down – someone’s breaking in”.” The resident had phoned three friends to help retrieve the stolen bags, iPhone, and cash just moments after Muon and his companions left the house, the court heard.

The man and his aides were able to follow Muon after the girlfriend used a locator app on her partner’s phone to trace her stolen phone. The four accused were carrying blades and a screwdriver, according to the crown prosecutor.

After one of their associates wrecked their car into a creek, the four men captured Muon and fled in different directions.

A knife was used to stab Muon in the chest; the handle fell off, leaving the blade in his chest.

After returning to the car, one of his colleagues discovered Muon’s body on the ground close by and dialled 911.





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