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AustraliaFour teenagers are accused of having ties to Victoria arson crimes

Four teenagers are accused of having ties to Victoria arson crimes

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Following an alleged arson attack on a tobacco shop and restaurant in Victoria, four teens have been accused.

Following two arson attacks in Ballarat and an aggravated burglary in Wonga Park last week, police executed three search warrants at homes in Springvale, Mulgrave, and Pakenham at 7 a.m. on Friday.

Following the search warrants, two boys, ages 14 and 15, and two girls, ages 16 and 16, were taken into custody and charged.

The 15-year-old youngster was accused with handling stolen items, car theft, possessing a restricted firearm, and two charges of aggravated burglary.

The 14-year-old youngster was accused with both motor vehicle theft and aggravated burglary.

Two counts of criminal damage by fire, conduct threatening life, conduct endangering serious injury, and theft of a motor vehicle were brought against a 16-year-old Pakenham girl.

She has been placed on remand in custody and is scheduled to appear in a children’s court later.

One other Mulgrave 16-year-old girl was accused with motor vehicle theft.

Three more were given bond and are scheduled to appear in children’s court at a later time.

A Mill Park restaurant and a Ballarat tobacco shop were the targets of the suspected arson attacks last week.

Between 10 p.m. on February 19 and 7 a.m. on February 20, police claim that a white Isuzu D Max and a silver Ford Ranger were taken from Wonga Park during an aggravated burglary.

On Tuesday, February 17, police claim that the same Izuzu was used in an attempted arson attack at a restaurant on The Link at Mill Park.

“The D Max reverses towards the front door of the premises and a number of offenders exit the vehicle, with one reaching back in to remove a jerry can,” Victoria Police reported.

Investigators said that when a member of the public approached the alleged criminals, they fled the site.

Police further claim that at 3.35 am on the following day, the same automobile was used in an arson attack at a tobacconist shop on Sturt Street in Ballarat.

A little while later, the burned-out Izuzu was discovered on Eureka Street.

According to Victoria Police, on Thursday, February 22, a separate arson attack at a reception center in Thomastown was carried out using the Ford Ranger, which was purportedly taken from Wonga Park.

In Bundoora, it was discovered burned out.

On Thursday, a 20-year-old male was charged in connection with that event.





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