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AustraliaAfter the third fatal attack of the year, the premier believes sharks...

After the third fatal attack of the year, the premier believes sharks are a natural risk

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Following the third shark-related death this year, the premier of South Australia has stated that shark nets cannot be installed along the state’s shore.

Yesterday around 1:30 p.m., a teenager was killed while surfing off Ethel Beach, which is located on the tip of the Yorke Peninsula approximately 160 kilometres west of Adelaide.

“Sadly, the body of a 15-year-old Maslin Beach boy was recovered from the water,” a statement from SA Police stated.

It’s thought that the boy’s father saw what happened. There is a current investigation.

Premier of South Australia, Peter Malinauskas, commented that, especially during this season, he could not imagine anything more horrifying.

“We’re looking at a range of options, particularly around metropolitan Adelaide,” Malinauskas stated.

“The bulk of these incidents are occurring well far away from our metropolitan beaches.”Our coastline in South Australia is essentially the same as the combined area of New South Wales and Victoria.”

“It is impossible to net an entire area,” he declared.

“The reality is there are sharks along our coastline around the southern part of our nation,” Malinauskas stated.

“There is a risk involved when individuals wander outside, especially if they travel pretty far from the shoreline.

“But we’ve seen 11 fatal shark attacks in South Australia since the year 2000 so the fact we’ve seen three across this summer is startling and it is of concern.”

According to sources, not much could have been done to stop yesterday’s catastrophe, he stated.

According to Mark News, the victim was travelling from Adelaide for the day to surf at the Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park beach.

Despite the difficult weather, the Adelaide-based rescue aircraft was dispatched, but nothing could be done until the boy’s body was removed from the ocean.

It is believed that the victim was an experienced surfer, as the Ethel Beach surfing break is regarded as a difficult wave.

Large schools of salmon, which are present in the area at this time of year, were being chased by sharks not far from the shore two days ago. This year, there have been five shark attacks in South Australia.





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