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AustraliaBuxton driver gets a "life sentence" for his family but serves at...

Buxton driver gets a “life sentence” for his family but serves at least seven years in prison

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A probationary driver who murdered five adolescent school friends when he wrecked a fast vehicle will serve at least seven years in prison. Relatives outside of court called the penalty “absolutely disgusting.”

Judge Christopher O’Brien announced Tyrell Edwards’s 12-year sentence with a seven-year non-parole period, eliciting chuckles from the public gallery and sobs from others.

Antonio Desisto, Gabby McLennan, Tyrese Bechard, Lily Van de Putte, and Summer Williams were all killed in the high-speed collision he caused.

After emerging from the debris of a Nissan Navara that struck two trees and murdered the students of Picton High School in September 2022, south-west of Sydney, Edwards was overheard uttering the words, “I’m going to go to jail.”

I’m not going to jail. Edwards declared, “I don’t want to go to jail.”

Samantha, the mother of Gabby McLennan, told the media as she was leaving court that she was shocked by the “unfair” sentence.

Exaven, the father of Antonio Desisto, claimed that the sentence “stinks” and that he would not wish the same suffering on any other parent.

“We’ve got children who have passed away, our family who don’t get to have kids we’re the ones who get the life sentence now so it’s just absolutely disgusting,” he continued.

During Edwards’ sentencing hearing in November, relatives of the deceased shared their heartbreaking loss with the court.

The judge stated that he saw their words—including the ones they courageously read aloud to the court—as potent representations of their suffering and loss.

While some advocated for Edwards to serve a lengthy term and others thought forgiveness would never come, others offered it.

Families crowded the NSW District Court in Campbelltown once more today as O’Brien sentenced Edwards.

The judge opened his sentence remarks by stating, “This is a tragic and impossibly sad case,” to which some spectators wiped away their tears.

When Edwards entered a guilty plea to five charges of aggravated reckless driving resulting in death in August, he was eligible for a twenty-five percent sentence reduction.

The judge also determined that there were unique reasons to provide a longer parole term.

After speaking with victim support groups, John Van de Putte, Lily Van de Putte’s father, said he was not shocked by the seven-year minimum sentence because the judge was following the law.

“While some people don’t want him dead, others do. I am able to see both perspectives. My daughter has passed away. “She’ll never return,” he declared, advocating for changes to the legislation.

He expressed his sympathy for Edwards and his family, but said that he could not forgive him.

“They weren’t the ones driving the vehicle he needs to be held responsible for that,” he stated.

Approximately 7.50 p.m. on September 6, 2022, Edwards wrecked on East Parade at Buxton while speeding to pass another automobile on the incorrect side of the road. He was going about 118 km/h at the time.

Four of the youngsters were ejected from the vehicle as the dual-cab ute crashed into another tree, ripped open the rear cabin, and rebounded.
The adolescent victims of the Buxton collision ranged in age from 14 to 16.

“Their deaths were completely avoidable and responsibility for them lies squarely at the feet of the offender,” added the magistrate.

The judge stated that Edwards had expressed genuine regret and taken full responsibility for his actions.

He cited an admission of regret that Edwards made to the court in his statement.

Edwards wrote, “I can’t understand how unfair it is that I survived.”

Today, Edwards’ 20th birthday, he was sentenced to 12 years in prison with a seven-year non-parole period.

In order to account for time already served in jail, his sentence was backdated to July 12. He will be available for parole release on July 11, 2030.





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