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AustraliaSydney man charged with grooming and child sex abuse has his bail...

Sydney man charged with grooming and child sex abuse has his bail denied

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Despite raising questions about his safety in detention, a man accused of grooming and sexually abusing two teenagers he met at a fast food restaurant will stay in custody.

Following his alleged sexual assaults on a boy and a girl, both 15 years old, in Sydney, David Stuart Denton is accused with 21 counts of child abuse and drug-related offences.

According to the police, in April 2021, the 55-year-old approached the two teens at a fast food restaurant on George St. in the heart of the city.

Following an inquiry into the attack of two teens in Sydney’s central business district, a man has been charged with 21 child abuse and drug-related offences.

The man was unknown to the teenagers, but later that day they went to his Ultimo residence, where they reportedly suffered sexual abuse.

The youngster allegedly suffered sexual molestation on another occasion later that year, according to the police.

Despite the Glebe man’s request for bail based on his worries about his safety because of the accusations, Magistrate Ian Guy remanded him in custody on Thursday.

Guy informed Denton, “It is your first time in custody raised the issue of…risk of harm.”

“I have no doubt that there is risk, but the detention officers should handle that.”

Guy turned down a surety offer for the 55-year-old’s release on bail.

As the magistrate delivered his ruling, Denton, who had appeared in the Downing Centre Local Court by videolink, started sobbing and sputtering.

Detectives began looking into the alleged assaults in June 2022, and Denton was taken into custody on Wednesday morning at a home in Glebe.

Police searched the area and discovered a large amount of illegal narcotics in addition to many technological devices.

Nine counts of aggravated sexual contact with a juvenile, accusations of grooming, and charges of drug distribution were all brought against Denton.







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