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Australia'Time to heal,' a text message from a wealthy benefactor to a...

‘Time to heal,’ a text message from a wealthy benefactor to a Melbourne mother after the alleged murder reads

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

In her suspected killer’s abandoned first trial, the sister of a Melbourne lady discovered dead in her bedroom with her throat slit has admitted lying.

In April 2020, Ricardo Barbaro is charged with killing his girlfriend Ellie Price with a knife in her South Melbourne flat.

However, a trial over her murder has centered on the friendship between Price and her wealthy sponsor and close friend, Mark Gray.

After meeting the exotic dancer at a gentleman’s club in 2017, the jury has been told that Gray, a brothel-owning accountant who is 31 years Price’s older, paid for her flats, a Mercedes sports vehicle, and other costs, including plastic surgery.

Gray attempted to instruct Price’s sister, Danielle Price, in the testimony she provided during a hearing to determine whether Barbaro would face prosecution, according to texts exchanged with her following Price’s death.

Gray had previously claimed to be the “biggest owner of brothels in the world,” but Danielle provided evidence that she was unaware of his involvement in the industry.

Danielle also acknowledged lying during the committal and not telling the truth when providing the same testimony in an abandoned trial for Barbaro in May of this year while being questioned by Rishi Nathwani, the defendant’s attorney.

Danielle added, “I was very outraged and I’ve never done anything like this before.

Gray texted her in November 2020 to warn her that the lawyers would portray her sister as utterly reckless, having drug and mental health problems, and engaging in prostitution.

They’ll say awful things about Ellie, almost as if she deserved it, he said in his letter.

Before she testified, he stated they would practice, and after they had time to prepare, she would be fine.

Additionally, he voiced worry that he would be labeled as a member of a sleazy underground and that it would be covered by the media.

He referred to Ellie Price’s extortion of $25,000 from him over a bogus rape claim as “this brothel owner extortion murder” and remarked, “They will love this.” Gray wrote, “This will be so embarrassing.”

Gray added that due to the extortion, prosecutors will likely suggest that he hired a hitman to assassinate Ellie Price.

Danielle Price concurred that Gray had once claimed to know some of the “meanest people in Melbourne” who could deal with Ricardo Barbaro-type individuals.

Danielle claimed she was at a loss for words with Gray since she didn’t pay attention to most of what he texted and didn’t want to come out as rude by asking him to stop messaging her.
She added, “I don’t know, I shouldn’t have done that. He did a lot for us.

Gray’s communication with Danielle Price and her mother Tracey Gangell decreased from almost daily contact for a year prior to the committal to nil in the two years thereafter.

According to Gangell, he requested some time to recover and gather his thoughts.The trial is still going on.






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