17.7 C

AustraliaBefore being let go, the police attacker received a prison sentence

Before being let go, the police attacker received a prison sentence

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A young woman who assaulted a police officer and left her with a concussion was given a six-month prison term.

However, while she awaits her appeal, Monica Goch was permitted to leave the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on bail.

Goch had 20 shots to mark her 20th birthday before attacking Senior Sergeant Victoria Fields.

Fields said, “It has taken a toll on myself, my family, and my coworkers.”

We simply attempt to go out and serve our community as best we can.

Officers responded to a noise complaint at the Airbnb in Glen Iris and attempted to stop the group from driving home.

According to Goch’s defense, her difficult background and PTSD caused her to perceive police as a threat.

She was given a six-month prison term after pleading guilty to the assault, which carries a mandatory prison term.

Wayne Gatt, secretary of the Police Association of Victoria, thinks it reinforces protection for first responders.

“I think it sends a strong message that you just can’t take 20 shots, bash a cop and expect nothing to happen,” the man added.

Later that day, Goch was granted bail when the magistrate decided she would have to complete at least half of her sentence while pending an appeal.









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