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AustraliaObservations of an injured humpback whale and its calf off the coast...

Observations of an injured humpback whale and its calf off the coast of Queensland have caused concern

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

It is thought that a boat struck an injured humpback whale that was seen off the coast of North Queensland.

The humpback whale was originally spotted on Wednesday morning, 500 meters north of Balgal Beach.

The Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service acknowledged receiving information about the whale and advised boaters to avoid the animal.

Locals Mark and Kim Oliver of Balgal Beach claimed to have spotted the mother and calf while whale-watching from their boat.

As they neared the stationary whale in their small boat, Ms. Oliver claimed they were unsure of what they were seeing.

Islands can be seen out in the distance behind a whale whose very top or back is visible above the ocean’s surface.

Because it lay on its side, we initially believed that Mum was either dead or trapped in a trap. But then, it started to blow air.

It was clearly in a lot of suffering. Simply said, it’s quite sad. I’m concerned about the infant.

A man stands behind Mark and Kim Oliver and peers out via binoculars at the water where they initially observed an injured whale.

At around 10:30 am, the couple contacted the Queensland Department of Environment and Science to report the encounter.

Following the discovery of a healthy pod, Mr. Oliver claimed that they were surprised to see the injured whale.

We stumbled upon a sizable pod of whales and their calves. It was simply breathtaking, she said.

Then, a whale with a baby is discovered nearby, which may have been struck by a propeller because there are several chunks missing from its fin.

The whale exhibited injuries on its back consistent with being struck by a boat propeller, according to Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service.

Boaters, fishermen, and jet ski riders are prohibited from approaching the whale within 300 meters and 100 meters, respectively.





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