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AustraliaMan is in arrest after a Sydney mother dies from chest stab...

Man is in arrest after a Sydney mother dies from chest stab wounds

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After a mother of four was stabbed to death in a west Sydney house, a man has been taken into custody.

Police received a phone contact from Shaun King at a residence in St. Marys yesterday at 8:40 p.m. regarding worries for his personal wellbeing, but no officers showed up at the residence, according to Assistant Commissioner Leanne McCusker.

When police were summoned once more at 6.45 am by a woman at the house, they discovered King’s partner Drew Douglas had been stabbed in the chest.

Despite the efforts of the paramedics, Douglas passed away at the spot. At around 7.30 am today, police detained King at Campbelltown Police Station.

Police are working with the 35-year-old in their investigations. Charges have not yet been brought.

Police in Nepean and homicide investigators are currently looking into Douglas’ death.St. Marys’ Shaun King.

Both of these individuals have a history of police involvement, according to McCusker.

Additionally, domestic violence has a history, according to McCusker.

According to her, the pair was not the subject of any aggravated violence orders.

Police said that a critical incident team from Ryde Police Area Command will look into the incident and police reaction as a whole.

According to McCusker, the critical incident team will look into why no officers arrived when a welfare check call was made on Tuesday night.
The inquiry is still ongoing.

The death in their suburban street “unsettled” the neighbours.

A neighbour remarked, “I’ve lived here my entire life, and I’ve never seen a murder here.

Not what you wanted to hear, I’m afraid.

The Law Enforcement Conduct Commission, which looks into claims of police misconduct, has been informed and will oversee the investigation by the Professional Standards Command of the NSW Police independently.





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