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AustraliaA teenager is accused of murdering a 16-year-old at a NSW beach...

A teenager is accused of murdering a 16-year-old at a NSW beach by stabbing him

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Following the alleged stabbing of a 16-year-old kid at a beach on NSW’s North Coast, a 17-year-old boy has been charged with murder.

On Sunday, just after 5.40 p.m., police were summoned to Pacific Street in Corindi Beach, where they discovered a 16-year-old kid who had been stabbed in the thigh.

Before NSW Ambulance paramedics came, officers administered him first aid.

When the youngster arrived at the Coffs Harbour Health Campus, he quickly passed away.

Police are looking into whether a love triangle was involved in the alleged attack.

Officers have been spotted using rakes, shovels, and sniffing dogs to comb the undergrowth in the sleepy seaside town in search of a knife thought to have been used in the alleged murder.

Local resident Robert Robertson witnessed the youngster being saved by emergency personnel.

“I saw a young man on the road, lots of people around him, police came, lots of people trying to help him,” he added.

It’s a little, peaceful village out here.My heart breaks for the young man’s family.

A 17-year-old was accused of murder, assault that resulted in death, and possession of a controlled substance this afternoon.

He was not granted bail in order to appear in court today for children.

Matt French, acting superintendent, described the death as “tragic”.

“I met with the victim’s mother this morning, and it’s a senseless and tragic loss of life,” French added.

Online tributes have poured in.

“Rest in peace, dear; you were a unique boy. We’ll adore you forever, but 16 is just too young,” a loved one stated.





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