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Australia45-year-old airline passenger detained following Sydney-bound return

45-year-old airline passenger detained following Sydney-bound return

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

An airline passenger has been detained after a Sydney to Malaysia flight was diverted over New South Wales because of a “disruptive passenger onboard.”

Following the incident on Malaysia Airlines flight MH122 to Kuala Lumpur on Monday afternoon, more than 30 domestic flights were cancelled to and from Sydney Airport, and there were still significant delays.

At 1.40 pm, the plane departed Sydney Airport with 199 passengers and 12 crew members. At 3.47 pm, it made a successful landing back on the runway, where it remained for several hours with emergency vehicles nearby.

A man wearing a rucksack who appears to be threatening passengers and crew is seen on video taken inside the aircraft.

A 45-year-old male was detained, according to the Australian Federal Police, and charges are anticipated to be filed later today.

The AFP issued a statement that read, “The AFP will not divulge operational matters, but an emergency response plan was implemented and an evacuation was initiated once it was deemed safe for passengers and crew.”

Following a mid-air incident, a Sydney-bound aeroplane bound for Malaysia was diverted over New South Wales.

The flight was diverted, according to Malaysia Airlines, because of “a disruptive passenger onboard.”

The flight’s captain decided to return to Sydney out of concern for safety, a Malaysia Airlines representative said.

“For Malaysia Airlines, the wellbeing of our personnel and passengers comes first.

“The police will conduct a comprehensive inspection of the aircraft.

“After receiving clearance from the authorities, passengers will be transferred to the next flights that become available.”

According to Sydney Airport, 32 domestic flights—16 incoming and 16 outbound—had been cancelled, and other domestic flights experienced delays of up to 90 minutes.

No foreign flights were impacted, and travellers are advised to check with their carriers for any updates.

A representative for Sydney Airport earlier stated that the airport was assisting emergency services in managing an issue at the airport.

The representative declared that “flights are arriving and departing” from the airport.

“Passengers are strongly advised to directly inquire about the status of their flight with their airline.”

The Australian Federal Police (AFP), which had previously said it was “responding to an emergency incident at Sydney International Airport,” was called to meet the jet when it landed.






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