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AustraliaAustralian scouts flee a global competition as a typhoon approaches

Australian scouts flee a global competition as a typhoon approaches

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The “Olympics for scouts” competitors from the United States may have survived the extreme heat, but they were forced to flee when a storm approached South Korea.

43,000 teenagers from 158 nations attend the 10-day World Scout Jamboree, where they engage in camping and other activities.

But the participants’ nightmare was made worse by a strong heatwave and heavy floods, which led to hundreds of people being hospitalised for heat-related illnesses and even led the US and UK teams to withdraw.

The Australian population has persevered despite the intense heat wave.

Australia’s deputy contingent leader Lloyd Nurthen said, “We’re used to (the heat).

Fundamentally, being prepared is more than just having the correct tools; it’s about being able to adjust and take on obstacles head-on.

When other kids weren’t as prepared for the extreme heat, Nurthen commended Australians for donning their Akubras and sun-safe koala hats.

Some children don’t have hats, which is unfortunate, but the Australians are ready, he added.

The Australian team won’t be taking on Typhoon Khanun head-on as it heads towards South Korea, though.

Japan has already experienced 126 km/h winds and 30 cm of rain from the typhoon.

It wrecked houses, left dozens of people injured, and left hundreds of thousands of homes without electricity.

Despite not being directly in the path of the typhoon, Nurthen predicted that it will nevertheless produce strong winds at the jamboree venue.

“We’re travelling to Seoul, and by Wednesday afternoon, we’ll be gone. In a manner comparable to the US and UK contingents,” he remarked.

“We can handle the heat very well, but dealing with a typhoon is different.”

The World Organisation of the Scout Movement requested that South Korean organisers consider calling off the event early as it deals with a number of adverse weather incidents.

The country saw its hottest summer in years, with temperatures reaching near to 40 degrees, according to Prime Minister Han Duck-soo, who earlier declared that the administration is determined to keep the event going until August 12.

He promised more medical personnel, air-conditioned cars, and shaded buildings.

Numerous scouts were said to have become ill as a result of the heat wave, according to local reports.

However, given that the typhoon is expected to make landfall in a few days, it is uncertain whether the occurrence will last.





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