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AustraliaSA Liberals introduce a P-plater reward program for safe driving in an...

SA Liberals introduce a P-plater reward program for safe driving in an effort to minimize traffic accidents

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Police, politicians, and public transportation authorities in South Australia are calling for greater caution following a shocking number of events on the state’s roadways so far this year.

72 people have died and 504 have suffered serious injuries on South Australian roads this year, according to SA Police.

According to Superintendent Darren Fielke, “2023 has seen the worst lives lost and serious injury numbers since 2010.”

“Unfortunately, with five months left in the year, we have already surpassed the total number of lives lost for 2022.”

The data, according to Superintendent Fielke, “should serve as a serious reality check” and were “completely unacceptable”.

These figures, he continued, “are frustrating, disappointing, and unsettling from a policing perspective.”

a close-up shot of a South African police cruiser.
In order to reduce traffic fatalities, the state opposition thinks provisional drivers with spotless records should be given incentives.

It was today stated that drivers who successfully complete their three-year provisional period with no moving violations will not be required to pay the one-year full license renewal price.

If the Liberal party were elected in 2026, the incentive program would cost the government about $500,000 annually while saving P-platers $71.

Eight of the 72 lives lost on South Australian roads this year, according to Liberal spokesman for road safety Vincent Tarzia, were P-Platters.

We are aware that young people and P-platers are overrepresented in serious injuries and fatalities on our roads.

We are aware that we need to be doing more with this cohort as a result.

The opposition’s stance might provide an incentive for young drivers to “take that extra care,” according to provisional driver Charlotte, who noted that the traffic figures for her age group were “really concerning.”

As she put it, “We’ve seen the effects [of penalties] aren’t really doing as well as they could be, so it can’t hurt to try and incentivize instead of just punish.”

The 18-year-old noted a $71 savings on her renewal “can go a long way,” especially with the escalating costs of gas and other car-related expenses. The young woman will be eligible for her full license at the end of the next year.

Before the next election, Mr. Tarzia stated that he would “love to see the government adopt this policy”.

Tom Koutsantonis, the minister of transportation, said the administration will consider the recommendation.

For Rail Safety Week, the South Australian government sponsored a campaign urging caution around train tracks.

In the past year, there have been 263 close calls involving pedestrians or cyclists on Adelaide’s rail network, according to Mr. Koutsantonis, who advised people to use caution when crossing rails.

There is no rush; another train will arrive, Mr. Koutsantonis remarked.

“Consider the effects on the drivers and what it means to them, as well as the effects on yourself and your loved ones.”

Around 480 pedestrian crossings and 557 public level crossings may be found on the state’s rail lines, and train driver Tony Lombardi claims to have had “many near misses” at these locations.

“If you don’t know what it feels like to have your heart take up residence in your throat, just come with us for a few days and you’ll soon get to experience it,” he remarked.

According to Mr. Lombardi, mishaps can occur “in a flash” and trains can travel up to 110 km/h.

It’s our top responsibility here, and we try our best to ensure that we operate trains safely, he said.

We fail to comprehend why it isn’t the public’s top priority.





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