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AustraliaWill Fowles, a Labor Party legislator from Victoria, resigned in response to...

Will Fowles, a Labor Party legislator from Victoria, resigned in response to assault claims

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Just hours after resigning from his position as a member of the parliamentary Labor party, Victorian Labor MP Will Fowles refuted any allegations of impropriety.

It follows the announcement by state premier Daniel Andrews that Fowles had resigned as the Ringwood MP due to an alleged “serious assault.”

In a statement, Fowes expressed that he was “shocked and distressed” to find that an assault claim had been made against him.

“The claim’s specifics have not been presented to me. I vehemently refute any assault claim, Fowles stated.

“It’s untrue. Nothing was assaulted.
The MP stated that his resignation would only be “temporary.”

Fowles stated, “I will completely cooperate with any process or inquiries.

“I am still a devoted member of the Australian Labor Party and of Parliament. My priority is still doing the best job I can to represent my neighborhood.

“Until I am cleared, I won’t be making any more comments,” she said.

Andrews claimed in a statement released last night that he was informed of the “alleged incident” on Thursday.

At a press conference today, Andrews declined to provide any additional information regarding the accusations but insisted that they are being treated seriously.

Everyone’s safety at work is taken very seriously, according to Andrews.

“I can no longer support Fowles’ continued membership in the parliamentary Labor Party.

“I requested and got his resignation. He is free to say anything he wants, so I won’t interfere. That is his responsibility.

The remarks follow Andrews’ revelation that Victoria Police had been notified of the allegations against the Ringwood MP.

After conducting additional research on Friday and Saturday, Andrew said in a statement, “My office has now received information about an alleged serious assault by the Member for Ringwood from a government employee.”

The Member for Ringwood’s resignation from the Parliamentary Labor Party was something else I requested and got.

“The complainant has received and will receive support, and their right to privacy should be honored.

It is not negotiable to consider the welfare of employees or their right to a safe workplace.

Victoria Police acknowledged receiving a report of an assault from the State Government.

According to authorities, no victim has filed an official report about the incident.






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