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AustraliaAlbanese argues in favour of the referendum, saying, We can persuade our...

Albanese argues in favour of the referendum, saying, We can persuade our fellow Australians to vote yes

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

While speaking at the largest First Nations festival in the nation, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese highlighted his dedication to persuading Australians to vote Yes in the Voice to Parliament referendum.

We can persuade our fellow Australians to vote “Yes” in the upcoming referendum, Albanese said during his keynote address at the Garma Festival in Arnhem Land, to thunderous applause.

“We can finish this together, and we can finish it this year. Since if not, ask who. If not right away, when? said he.

Each of us has an equal obligation and an equal opportunity in this crucial moment. Yes, united we can change history.

Australians were exhorted by an impassioned Albanese to seek to persuade others to support the constitutional amendment.

“We know that the majority of Australians have never read their Constitution as bedtime reading, which is why the campaign is there to be won – because what will decide that referendum are those conversations: the respectful, genuine conversations Australians have with one another, engaging as neighbours, colleagues, and friends.”

Prior to the referendum, Albanese promised that his administration would do its best to explain to Australians what their ‘no’ vote would entail.

More of the same, I suppose. Not only do we reject the chance to improve, but we also concede that what we now have is somehow adequate, he said.

“In the land of the fair go, there is a life expectancy disparity of eight years. In the fortunate nation, the suicide rate is twice as high. shocking disease rates in a country with some of the strongest healthcare systems in the world.

Albanese previously said on Weekend Today that there won’t be any change if Australians decide to reject the referendum because they don’t get the importance of the campaign.

“I think Australians will ask themselves, how would I feel if it was the case that if I had a daughter during childbirth, she was more likely to have issues if she was Indigenous than if she was non-Indigenous?” he said.

These are the kinds of problems that we need to address. “If I had a teenage kid, he is more likely to go to jail than to go to college.

According to Albanese, the Voice to Parliament initiative will close the achievement gap for better results in a variety of fields, including education and health.

He claimed that the referendum’s basic question will be based on the fact that Australia is the only country that does not have a constitution that explicitly recognises First Peoples.

“When we look at all of the former colonies, there’s only one that stands out as not giving acknowledgement to First Peoples,” he remarked.

And that is all it accomplishes—recognizes Indigenous Australians in the foundation text of our country.

“In 1788, this location wasn’t deserted.”


Although the prime minister has not officially announced the date of the referendum, there is anticipation that it will take place on October 14 and that it will take place in the fourth quarter of the year.

The date will be disclosed in the upcoming weeks, he promised.

A year after telling parliament that the government will conduct a referendum on the Voice, the prime minister made a passionate appeal yesterday at Garma Festival.

It’s been suggested that now might not be the best time, Albanese added.





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