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AustraliaIn Sydney's Inner West, two guys were shot and then taken to...

In Sydney’s Inner West, two guys were shot and then taken to the hospital

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After a heinous shooting in broad daylight that injured two men at a hair salon in Sydney’s Inner West, police are looking for the getaway vehicle.

Just before 2:00 PM on Friday, emergency services were summoned to the salon on Marrickville Road in Marrickville.

When the police came, they discovered two guys, ages 20 and 33, who had been shot.

Before being transported to the hospital, paramedics treated them both.

According to police, the 20-year-old man has a gunshot wound to the chest and is in a bad condition.

The 33-year-old male has a gunshot wound to the buttocks and is in stable condition.

While authorities investigate the shooting’s circumstances, a crime scene has been set up.

Superintendent Despa Fitzgerald stated at a press conference that “both are known to police.”

We think it was a targeted strike since it was so blatant.

It isn’t arbitrary.

Officers think the gunshot is related to the two car fires that occurred on Norwood Lane in Marrickville and Hercules Street in Dulwich Hill.

Fitzgerald confirmed that the silver Kia Stinger, which police believe to be the getaway vehicle, was the car that caught fire in Marrickville.
At Dulwich Hill, there was a Mitsubishi Triton.

Police, according to Fitzgerald, are looking for a white Toyota Camry with the licence plate DMM59H that they believe “one of the offenders” entered at Dulwich Hill.

She claimed, “It was seen leaving the Dulwich Hill area and heading towards Canterbury Road.”

That car is still in great condition.

Up to seven gunshots, according to witnesses on Marrickville Road, were heard before emergency services arrived on the scene.

One resident recalled, “When I first heard the noise, I didn’t think anything bad had happened because there were still mothers walking along with prams.”

A silver automobile that was speeding away from the area was also seen by her.

The alleged shooter was also seen by witnesses “cool, calm, and collected” as he left the hair salon.

They claimed that everything “just seemed normal.”

Residents of Dulwich Hill, who said it is typically a peaceful neighbourhood, are on edge as a result of the car fire there.

Another local remarked, “When something like that comes home to roost in close proximity to where you live, it’s a big concern for the locals.”

Near the electoral office of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, shooting took place.

Although Albanese was not present when the shooting took place, he posted on Twitter, “My thoughts are with my community after a shooting in Marrickville across the street from my electorate office.”

“My team is secure. The scene is being investigated by NSW Police.

Fitzgerald revealed that many police commands, including Organised Crime, Raptor Squad, which concentrates on gangland crime, PolAir, the dog squad, and highway patrol, are deployed to conduct the investigation.

It occurs more than a week after Alen Moradian, a high-ranking Comanchero bikie gang member, was killed in a Bondi Junction parking garage.

Fitzgerald said that authorities are looking into whether today’s shooting has anything to do with the Bondi killing.






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