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AustraliaFollowing a chase, a man was detained after reportedly setting a stolen...

Following a chase, a man was detained after reportedly setting a stolen car on fire

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

In Melbourne’s southeast, a guy is accused of ramming a police cruiser and setting a stolen automobile on fire. He has since been detained.

After being seen on Manchester Road in Mooroolbark at around 12.35 p.m., police said the driver tried to flee from them.

A police car was allegedly rammed by the 25-year-old male before he fled the area.

With the aid of a helicopter, police chased the vehicle through a number of neighbourhoods before it came to a stop on Stringybark Road in Cockatoo.

The car’s fire is said to have been started by the driver, who then escaped on foot.

The Boronian man is supporting police with their inquiries after being detained nearby.

Police suspect that the automobile was taken from Hampton last year.






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