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AustraliaTV presenter Andrew O'Keefe is accused of driving under the influence

TV presenter Andrew O’Keefe is accused of driving under the influence

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After reportedly failing a random drug test on the side of the road in Sydney’s eastern suburbs, embattled former TV personality Andrew O’Keefe has been prosecuted.

On January 20, O’Keefe was pulled up by police while travelling along Wunulla Road in Point Piper, when he was subjected to a chance drug test.

The 51-year-old was brought to Waverley Police Station, where officers conducted a second oral fluid test and suspended his driving privileges.

O’Keefe was detained by NSW Police yesterday at a Vaucluse residence around 10.50am.

He was transported to Waverley Police Station, where he was accused of violating his bail as well as driving a car while having illegal drugs in his system.

O’Keefe was denied bail, and when he appeared in court later that day, bail was renewed so that he could continue to reside in Vaucluse.

He will be required to submit to drug and alcohol testing and abstain from all substances that are not recommended by the psychiatrist or psychologist he has been ordered to see.

The charge of driving under the influence of drugs has been postponed until May 2, while the case related to the charge of breach of bail is proceeding and has a hearing planned for November.

On December 14, 2022, Andrew OKeefe departs from Sydney’s Downing Center Court.

O’Keefe is accused of assault connected to domestic abuse, drug possession, and evading police following an alleged incident at Point Piper in September 2021.

O’Keefe was charged on Tuesday with driving a car with an illicit drug present in his blood.

Following the departure of the prosecution’s lone witness, six charges connected to an alleged incident that occurred in his Sydney CBD flat in January 2022 were dropped in February.

In June 2021, O’Keefe escaped a conviction for domestic assault because the allegations were handled in accordance with the NSW Mental Health Act.

In May 2022, he was granted conditional parole with the requirement that he spend up to a year in treatment for his misuse of cocaine, ice, and cannabis.





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