Police are looking into an alleged abduction fear in the southern suburbs of Perth after hearing that a girl narrowly avoided being forced into a car.
Witnesses report that before a car sped off, terrifying screams could be heard across the neighborhood.
A kid informed police that another girl was nearly abducted in Spearwood by a car full of males.
Police are looking into an alleged narrow escape of a girl from being pushed into a car during an abduction scare in Perth’s southern suburbs.Witnesses report that before a car sped off, terrifying screams could be heard across the neighborhood.
Kelly Douglas, a witness, claimed to have heard what took place.
She claimed, “I heard someone scream for help, and then I heard a car pull away very quickly.”
“I came out to the street to see what was happening, but by the time I got here, the car had already left.”
About 5.30 p.m., the would-be victim was walking her dog near Edwards Park when a man grabbed her and attempted to drag her into a black hatchback, according to a teen witness who called police.
Locals claimed the girl ran away as families rushed to help her in the park.
Police are looking into an alleged narrow escape of a girl from being pushed into a car during an abduction scare in Perth’s southern suburbs.Witnesses report that before a car sped off, terrifying screams could be heard across the neighborhood.
The girl appeared to be in a lot of trouble, and I could see that she had gone to some people who were already on the oval, said Douglas.
The fact that it occurred in broad daylight and that many individuals were present is concerning.
Detectives have knocked on doors and searched Etherington Avenue and Lintott Way.
Police have requested further CCTV and dash cam evidence and are evaluating security footage, including that of a black hatchback that was in the vicinity at the time.