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WorldIran receives backing from China's Xi during Raisi's visit

Iran receives backing from China’s Xi during Raisi’s visit

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Friday that resistance demonstrated by Iran and China against the U.S. unilateralism is beneficial to the world.

During President Ebrahim Raisi’s visit to China, Chinese leader Xi Jinping reaffirmed support for Iran as Tehran seeks to deepen ties with Beijing and Moscow to counterbalance Western sanctions over its nuclear development.

China supports Iran in preserving its national sovereignty and in “resisting unilateralism and bullying,” according to Xi, who made the remarks in a statement posted on the website of Chinese official TV on Tuesday.

As Raisi made his first state visit to China, the largest economy in Asia, and the first by an Iranian president in 20 years, he made these remarks.

In the midst of uncertainties throughout the world, Xi urged for a proper conclusion to the Iran nuclear problem and pledged Beijing’s “solidarity” with Iran.

In discussions to resume negotiations on carrying out the Iran nuclear agreement, China will continue to “participate constructively,” according to Xi, who spoke to Raisi in Beijing.

A 2015 nuclear agreement placed restrictions on Iran’s uranium enrichment program in exchange for the relaxation of international sanctions, making it more difficult for Tehran to manufacture nuclear weapons. Iran claims that its continued nuclear energy development was done for benign purposes.

However, in 2018, the deal was unilaterally terminated by the then-US President Donald Trump, who did so in order to reimpose sanctions because he believed it had not done enough to rein in Tehran’s nuclear activities.

China has criticized the US for leaving the agreement and maintains that the US should initiate steps to revive the agreement.

Five of the firms involved in Iran’s oil shipments were based in China when the US placed fresh sanctions on them in September. As long as Tehran continues to advance its nuclear program, Washington said it would enforce sanctions against Iran’s shipments of oil and petrochemicals.

In Beijing, Raisi was joined by a sizable Iranian commerce and financial team, and Xi had earlier extended a red carpet welcome to him.

According to state broadcaster CCTV, Xi stated, “China and Iran have backed each other [and] worked together in solidarity and collaboration in the face of the current complicated changes in the globe, periods, and history.

While Iran is already subject to stringent US sanctions because of its nuclear program, both countries are under pressure from Western nations over their stances on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

According to Katrina Yu of Al Jazeera, “China is Iran’s major commercial partner and the lone consumer of its heavily-sanctioned oil exports.” Iran is now experiencing its worst economic scenario in more than 40 years as a result of US-led sanctions.

Russia has become one of the country’s few remaining allies as a result of the invasion, which has further isolated Moscow on the global stage.

Iran denies providing Russia with armed drones for use in its conflict in Ukraine, as has been claimed by Western nations.

In December, Washington described what it claimed to be a substantial partnership between Iran and Russia involving aircraft like fighter jets, drones, and helicopters.

Beijing is cautious about Moscow’s offensive in Ukraine because it wants to appear impartial while supporting Russia diplomatically as a strategic ally.

Yu said: “Xi Jinping said China would continue to participate in talks to have the deal revived.” “Ebrahim Raisi’s visit occurs as Iran and China develop their ties with Russia. The United States and its allies establishing a global order is something that both sides claim to be against.

A number of bilateral cooperation agreements in the areas of agriculture, trade, tourism, environmental protection, health, disaster relief, culture, and sport were reportedly inked by the two parties, according to CCTV.

At the Shanghai Cooperation Organization conference in Uzbekistan in September, Raisi and Xi first spoke as presidents. China had backed Iran’s now-successful application to join the organization as a full member.

A 25-year cooperation agreement between Iran and China saw the start of the implementation phase last year. As part of the agreement, China will invest billions of dollars in Iran’s petroleum industry in return for the supply of oil and petrochemical products. Iran already has China as its top trading partner.

Xi first put forth the agreement during his 2016 trip to Iran.





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