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AustraliaJessie Dean Buchanan, a suspected Gold Coast murderer, is in court for...

Jessie Dean Buchanan, a suspected Gold Coast murderer, is in court for an Ashmore man’s death

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ


photo of a shirtless man flexing his muscles
Jessie Dean Buchanan has been charged with murder

In court this morning, a man accused of fatally beating a 62-year-old man in his backyard on the Gold Coast declined legal counsel and showed up shirtless.

Jessie Dean Buchanan, 36, is accused by the police of killing someone, using a car without a license, and obtaining tainted property.

At a house on Lillian Crescent in Ashmore, Trevor Schneider’s body was discovered with severe head injuries just before 9am on Sunday.

Neighbors have requested police to check on the home’s welfare.

When he appeared this morning via video connection in Southport Magistrates Court, Mr. Buchanan did not request bail.

“Ma’am, I’m a good person. He admitted to the magistrate Sarah Thompson, “I’ve never hurt a fly.

“To be honest, I don’t feel like I can trust anyone right now. For me, the entire process has felt rushed and incredibly intimidating.

Mr. Buchanan was warned by Magistrate Thompson that he was facing serious accusations.

You have been accused of murder, she said.

“You need to speak to someone; it’s the most serious charge in the criminal court.

“You need to get legal counsel.”

Since moving to the Gold Coast six weeks ago, Mr. Buchanan testified in court, he has been “constantly robbed and drugged.”

He claimed, “I’ve been sleeping on the streets, talking to all these various individuals, I feel like I’ve been tricked, and my possessions have been stolen.”

My phone was stolen, so I’m unable to even contact my relatives. In this metropolis, strange things are happening all the time.

Just before noon on Sunday, Mr. Buchanan was taken into custody in the parking lot of a Molendinar shopping center.

He was found with the victim’s automobile and credit card, according to the police, who also said he was not wearing pants.

It’s unclear whether the men knew one another.

Police say Mr. Schneider was last seen with family members at the Southport Musgrave Bowls Club around 7:30 p.m. on Saturday.

Investigators are requesting any witnesses who may have seen Mr. Schneider between 6:30 p.m. Saturday and 1 p.m. Sunday in a white 2005 Toyota HiLux with a distinctive rooftop camper.

Mr. Buchanan will continue to be detained until his March court date.





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