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AustraliaPolice are looking into a government organization after a urination claim

Police are looking into a government organization after a urination claim

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ


Australian Agriculture Minister Murray Watt


After additional charges of misbehavior were discovered during an assessment of the agency’s work culture, police were brought in to investigate.

The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) was the subject of an independent investigation in November when a Senate committee learned of claims that a senior public official defecated on his coworkers.

Lisa Croft, the authority’s chief executive officer, stated at the hearing that she was made aware of an incident that happened in a personal setting away from work and described it as a “private urination matter.”

The senior staff member had since resigned, she had stated at the hearing.

Murray Watt, the minister of agriculture, commissioned an independent review, the results of which were forwarded to the police and the commissioner of the Australian Public Service.

The minister issued a statement on Friday stating, “This review follows significant charges that were brought before Senate estimates regarding the behavior of a staff member of the APVMA.”

“I got the interim report of the review, which contains further significant charges of misconduct with the APVMA, including possible violations of the public service code of conduct and other possible violations of the law,” the author said.

The charges were immediately reported to the authorities by Senator Watt after receiving the report on Wednesday.

In order to ensure staff support, he added, he also met with the authority’s board chair. He claimed that further comment would be inappropriate in light of the investigation.

The APMVA, a division of the Australian government responsible for regulating chemical goods used in agriculture and veterinary care, is based in Armidale, New South Wales.

Senate estimates’ unexpected incidents include a “private urine incident” and a “bad young girl” outburst

Although the parties directly engaged wanted Ms. Croft to be aware of the situation, she stated in November’s Senate hearing that no formal complaint had been lodged.

When the issue was originally brought up in Senate estimates, Greens senator Peter Whish-Wilson said he had spoken with Senator Watt and agreed that it should be reported to the appropriate authorities.

He testified at the November hearing that he was aware of at least three reports about the alleged incident from female staff members.

He told AAP on Friday that “The Greens will undoubtedly be watching how this progresses very closely.”





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