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The Prime Minister of Australia cooked khichuri for the Prime Minister of India

The Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison has been widely discussed on his Instagram by posting a few pictures on the celebration of the new Interim Free Trade Agreement with India.

Scott Morrison cooked Gujarati food of Narendra Modi’s area, including Khichuri (Hodgepodge), to celebrate the India-Australia FTA.

The images went viral instantly and made headlines in the Australian mainstream media.

Morrison, with an apron took a picture in the kitchen which he posted on Instagram and written that “All the vegetables I chosen to cook tonight is for the celebration of our new trade agreement with India.”

The Prime Minister of Australia said the food was approved by his wife Jane, daughters and his mother.

On the 2nd of this month, Australia signed a historic trade agreement with India. It was the Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement, which would facilitate Australian exports to India and create new opportunities for workers and businesses.

Under the agreement, more than 75 per cent tariffs will be waived on Australian exports to India in 10 years. It will be worth 12.7 billion a year.